I am reading the book “Liberty Amendments” by Mark Levin and this is a quote that he references in the beginning of the book. I have read some de Tocqueville in the past, but this quote resonated with me. Alexis de Tocqueville’s was a French political thinker and historian, most famous for his work Democracy in America.

It covers the surface of society with a network of small, complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence: it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.”

Alexis de Tocqueville

I encourage all of my readers to read up on American history, political philosophy and discover for themselves the nature of the problems we face as a nation.

Our current state of affairs has nothing to do with Democrats vs Republicans and everything to do with the government inserting themselves into our lives as the grand puppeteers of society.

They will not break our will all at once as many expect. This big moment where things are totally different is never going to come so many people are left thinking that things are as they always have been.

In reality, they have been doing it slowly over the last 100+ years. They have created overbearing legislation and burdensome regulations. They are slowly suffocating us of our freedoms. Like the frog sitting in a pot of boiling water, we are unable to notice the gradual change in temperature, and by the time most of us realize that the water is boiling it will be too late.

Maybe it’s already too late? What do you think? How do you propose we turn things around in America?



13 replies
  1. Sapere Aude
    Sapere Aude says:

    Part of the herd? You’re kidding right?
    I have lots of content on this site, mention many influencers and role models as well as explore a number of technologies and solutions.

    -Would you please list 10 (if able).
    Joe Rogan has valid view-points on many things and while I am not a member of the church of Joe, I do value his understanding of the world and appreciate his insight and candor.

    -You mentioned the Church of Joe, to witch one are you speaking of? His forum, where he sells said pills and fleshlights?
    IHS? Some may mistake a Fraternity as a church. Would you please add clarity to this statement?
    To what degree is Rogan valid? How much do you understand about him as a person? How much of the message do you understand that he is delivering? Do you think the message he preaches is something he follows in real life?
    How is Joe Rogan an Authority on anything other than his own opinion, don’t we all have them? What is making Joe an exception to this rule for you?

    As for Bitcoin. Where on my site have you seen me mention anything about it being a solution? If you actually looked you would see that I find it interesting and am exploring it as a concept but I am not sold on any type of digital currency. I am as skeptical about the money system as anyone and am just a guy asking questions about a lot of things.

    -This statement you give here to me shows you do not have a solid grasp on what currency is.
    It is not my intention to offend you, I am just blunt, and please look into something called the petrol dollar, this concept is not only true in the oil industry but other energy industries around the world as well. Have you ever heard of a Rhodes Scholar?

    Think of me as a filter. I am not a lens or the camera. I am simply a filter. I take the information that the world creates and then apply my thought process in an attempt to help people understand the world around us.

    -I gather this statement as a Paradox. This is why.
    Filter noun: a screen, plate, or layer of a substance that absorbs light or other radiation or selectively absorbs some of its components.
    How are you able to understand the world around us if you are excluding the world around us. This is not the answer. This is also an exercise in futility. If you do not grasps how the world turns how do expect to be able to have the vision to explain this into a layman’s perspective all while keeping an objective perspective to have your audience compelled to ask further or deeper questions. That I think would be the goal of this space you created. If this is false please correct me.

    Who do you get your news from? I am always interested in people who tell me where not to get information from but then offer no alternatives.

    -History. No more no less. I do not subscribe to the “media outlets”

    I would be willing to bet that my sources are considerably more well rounded than most and I still take it all in with a grain of salt because I know how easy it is to get caught up in thinking you have things “figured out”.

    -What does being well rounded have anything to do with understanding how the world functions as a whole? How does this make someone an authority on any subject matter? If you are ignorant to the problem at hand how does any info about anything but the problem at hand help the situation?

    Willing to bet on your sources, I tell you what, You show me your sources and I will show you mine. And I would be willing to bet you would not invest the time to look at my sources. The following questions would then be comprehension.
    I think you will find that I am pretty far from “part of the herd”. I left the herd a long time ago and am now trying to do all I can to bring others with me. I appreciate your feedback and thoughts on the matter.

    -I am looking forward for you showing me this side of you. As I appreciate the opportunity to have an open floor of dialogue with you.

    Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.

    -Thanks for the response.

    • Raymmar Tirado
      Raymmar Tirado says:

      -Would you please list 10 (if able).

      * All of the founding fathers – I have read the federalist papers, along with many of their personal writings which have fundamentally influenced my understanding of what they were thinking while founding this country.
      * Joe Rogan – I have never been to his forum. I listen to his podcast occasionally as he talks about a broad range of topics and has very diverse group of guests. (Why do you keep mentioning the fleshlight? Are you a fan?)
      * Mark Levin – His radio program and books have had a big influence on my political perspectives.
      * Alexis de Tocqueville – Brilliant political philosopher
      * Ayn Rand – Lover her books although I do not agree completely with her ideology.
      * Leo Laport – This week in tech podcast and technology news.
      * Adam Carolla – His podcast rocks! Very down to earth and real.
      * Andrew Breitbart – For what he built as an independent journalist online
      * Arianna Huffington – Founder of Huffington Post. I disagree with her politics but her model of new media is strong
      * Glenn Beck – Again, not necessarily for his political perspective but for what he has built from a media standpoint. Not a believer in everything he says but he has built a monster from nothing and that is no small feat.
      * Micheal Stevens – Founder of Vsauce – Curiosity meets science. Probably my favorite YouTube channel
      * Other YouTubers that influence me – Smarter Every Day, ASAP Science, Kasey Neistat, CP Gray and on.

      I am also an avid reader and if I listed my favorite authors or books we would be here all day.

      I read as much history as I can get my hands on. I love exploring philosophy and other heavy thinking. There are many more influencers and thought leaders that I draw inspiration from but this is a short list of people/perspectives that I draw from regularly.

      Back to Joe Rogan, it is not that he has anything other than his opinion, I just value his thoughts. Have you ever spent any real time listening to his podcast? It is not for everyone but it is interesting for those who tune in. I have never been to his forums or even his web store so I have no idea what all they sell on there.

      No offense but I am going to ignore the Bitcoin reference here because I think that is a deeper conversation than I want to type out right now. But, I do understand currency and how it is manipulated etc. Bitcoin is interesting as a concept so is all digital currency. It is something I am watching and trying to understand more deeply.

      Filter – I was thinking more of a photo filter than your literal definition. What I meant was that I take things in from a number of sources and then try to put it into perspective for my audience. Is there a specific something you think I got wrong? I take things in from everywhere, all sources, and then digest it through the filter of my life experiences. My perspective is why people pay attention so paradoxical or not it is what it is.

      Sources – I agree with your “media sources” statement and I am also a student of history.

      Well rounded has everything to do with what you are talking about. What I meant by that is that I have an open mind and broad understanding of how the world works. Again, I would ask you to point out a specific example of something you think I am way off base on. (politics, philosophical, etc) and then we can see where the real difference in opinion lays. As for right now I feel like you are critiquing me on a pretty small sample of my work and thoughts.

      For someone who wants to tell me how wrong and narrow minded I am that seems a little narrow minded.

      I do appreciate the feedback and the criticism makes me stronger and forces me to understand my positions but I am not for one second going to stop doing what I do, sharing my ideas and challenging the status quo of the world we live in.

      I am not a puppet for either political party and I am as ant-establishment as they come. I hate the perversion of our capitalist system and I hate the ignorance that has infected our entire society. I think we are living under a soft-tyrannical rule and I think that if we are not careful, WW3 is going to sneak up and smack us in the face. After All, how else can we reset the monetary system, shift the balance of power to a global government and relinquish what little is left of our sovereignty as a nation.

      I think that we are making all of the same mistakes that have destroyed every republic or great society before us and we are doing it while staring right at the rule book and ignoring all the warnings.

      I think people are stupid. I think we do not read enough. I think that we have perverted every aspect of our societal structure in an attempt at engineering a utopia which is impossible to actually execute.

      I think a lot of things and I think that I have a pretty fucking solid head on my shoulders about these and many other issues.

      This website is just my sounding board to the world and the place where anyone can come and challenge my entire thought process. You see, I am wiling to put all of my ideas out to the world in order to have them critiqued. I think that makes me stronger and forces me to truly understand the things I talk about. Something I can not say for most people.

      Thanks again for the response and for sharing your thoughts.

      • Sapere Aude
        Sapere Aude says:

        How would you like to enhance your filter?
        What If I can tell you with large certainty you are simply looking at the picture wrong?

        The list you have shown here is most interesting since the majority are comics or pundits or both.

        The federalist papers are important as well as the presidents before George Washington.
        The 13th amendment is also important in terms of sovereignty.

        Like I mentioned before the writing is clearly on the wall only a very very few amount of people can actually read it.

        You shown me that you mostly are buying into the mockery they call news or “media”
        That is exactly what the herd does.
        And make no mistake, they are mocking you.

        I would like to enlighten to the writing on the wall, just to see what you would do with it.

        Alas literature is not my strong point.

        My currant ability to show you this is at your own pace, not mine. (there is a lot to go over and its also up to you to decide how deep you want to go)
        If you wish you gain more understanding of what I speak of please open that door.

        I am not here to judge you. I stumbled upon you at random trough a Google search.

        I like what you have going on here and I am not trying to tear it down. only enhance.

        I leave the choice up to you, blue pill or red pill. The matrix is so literal its silly.

      • Raymmar
        Raymmar says:

        How would you like to enhance your filter?
        – Explain more. I am always open to new sources of knowledge and inspiration.

        What If I can tell you with large certainty you are simply looking at the picture wrong?
        – I think I would tell you that you are making that statement with a limited reference point and understanding of how I look at the world.

        The list you have shown here is most interesting since the majority are comics or pundits or both.
        – You have stumbled into me at a point where I am both interested in learning more about about building a media empire and exploring my comedic side. If you had known me a few years ago my influences would have been Plato and Socrates. I would have told you bout studying the bible or religions philosophy. In order to build what I am trying to build I will need to blend the world you want people to see with the methods of media that people are open to accepting in their lives. In order to push the masses of course you must first appeal to the masses.

        The federalist papers are important as well as the presidents before George Washington.
        The 13th amendment is also important in terms of sovereignty.
        – I agree. Do you know anything about Mark Levin? Have you listened t him or his philosophy? Again, I understand that he might have to play a front to a large media but his ideas for amendments to the constitution are strong.

        I would like to enlighten to the writing on the wall, just to see what you would do with it.
        -what is this enlightenment you speak of? I have been on a quest for inner exploration and enlightenment for the better part of the last 5 years and I have learned a lot but know there is much to learn.
        – That being said, I see the writing on the wall. I know we are all slaves. I know it is all a facade and we are all puppets in a bigger game.

        Alas literature is not my strong point.
        – That leaves me a little skeptical. I think reading is the ultimate portal to true enlightenment and if you have not read directly from the source then you are probably getting some sort of skewed perspective.
        – This is why I can be the filter for people because I know how the system is supposed to work as well as how perverted it has become.

        My currant ability to show you this is at your own pace, not mine. (there is a lot to go over and its also up to you to decide how deep you want to go)
        If you wish you gain more understanding of what I speak of please open that door
        – Opens door –

        I am not here to judge you. I stumbled upon you at random trough a Google search.
        – Yes you did. That is how most people find me. And the number is climbing. People are desperate for honesty. I may not get it right all the time, but I am constantly learning and this website is about me sharing that quest with the world. It is about allowing them to see everything that makes me, me. Hopefully by exposing myself in this way many other people will be able to learn from my mistakes and together we can all grow stronger. As my opinions and ideas are put out to the world they get tested and become stronger.

        This is a quote from one of my most popular articles.
        “Because as I fail, I learn, and then adjust my course to make sure my path is always forward. Like the process of annealing steel, I’ve been through the fire and pounded into shape. The shape of a sword with polished edges and a razor sharp blade that will cut you in half if you are not equally hardened.”

        I leave the choice up to you, blue pill or red pill. The matrix is so literal its silly.
        – I know this. I actually reference it at the beginning of my book.

      • Raymmar
        Raymmar says:

        P.s. You will also find that the media moguls on my list are all recently accomplished. They are not part of the larger media conglomerates and have built their audiences on their own.

        Like I said, I am not your average cookie and people often get themselves in trouble when they start trying to throw me inside of boxes and wrap me up in preconceived notions of who I am supposed to be.

        You can learn who I am through the pages of this blog but I am not sure you have a firm understanding just yet. I do appreciate the input and welcome to the Raymmar Revolution

  2. Sapere Aude
    Sapere Aude says:

    After seeing a few more articles I feel you are just part of the herd, bitcoin,joe rogan….
    These are not the correct avenues and if you did any kind of research you would know better..

    If you recommend a comic (joe rogan) who sells fleshlights and brain pills..
    Joe has stated him self, If big dick pills where real we would be pushing our shit around in shopping carts.
    and my personal fav, there is a lot of money in retards.
    And lets just forget who he actually associates him self with.. and just view the man he shows us.

    I welcome your opinion on the matter.

    • Raymmar Tirado
      Raymmar Tirado says:

      Part of the herd? You’re kidding right?

      I have lots of content on this site, mention many influencers and role models as well as explore a number of technologies and solutions.

      Joe Rogan has valid view-points on many things and while I am not a member of the church of Joe, I do value his understanding of the world and appreciate his insight and candor.

      As for Bitcoin. Where on my site have you seen me mention anything about it being a solution? If you actually looked you would see that I find it interesting and am exploring it as a concept but I am not sold on any type of digital currency. I am as skeptical about the money system as anyone and am just a guy asking questions about a lot of things.

      Think of me as a filter. I am not a lens or the camera. I am simply a filter. I take the information that the world creates and then apply my thought process in an attempt to help people understand the world around us.

      Who do you get your news from? I am always interested in people who tell me where not to get information from but then offer no alternatives.

      I would be willing to bet that my sources are considerably more well rounded than most and I still take it all in with a grain of salt because I know how easy it is to get caught up in thinking you have things “figured out”.

      I think you will find that I am pretty far from “part of the herd”. I left the herd a long time ago and am now trying to do all I can to bring others with me. I appreciate your feedback and thoughts on the matter.

      Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.

  3. Sapere Aude
    Sapere Aude says:

    The issue as a whole, is of a scope that most people will not have the where with all to comprehend, then further more compounded with the wish (true desire) to comprehend it. Then to understand the true underlying nature of humanity, then moving forward with that as a community.

    What would you suggest be a starting stage on this?
    As history has shown us, Leaders of the past had their path ended by external forces in mass public.

    The writing is clearly on the wall but very very few can read it.

    The rest would rather eat you like the zombies they are.

    This is just a comment to see where the ball goes on this topic.

    • Raymmar Tirado
      Raymmar Tirado says:

      I agree. There is enough information out there that I find it hard to understand how someone can plead ignorance on any of these issues. The overwhelming ignorance that has infected this country is absurd.

      As for a starting point? I have no idea. Honestly, I think it comes down to the individuals and their willingness to make changes in their own lives. So often our own lives are in shambles and yet we try to fix the lives of those around us.

      Mine is just a quest for understanding and exploration and I think the world would be much better if we all sought to understand the world around us a little better.


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