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Personal Thoughts

You Are Not My Friend! [Video]
This video spawned from a poem that I wrote one night after dealing with some personal issues with someone who I thought was a friend of mine. It is not necessarily directed at any individual but more of a combined message to everyone and everything…

Mattisons to YPG: "Get the Fuck out"
Raymmar Tirado and BYP3 have no affiliation to the Sarasota Young Professionals (other than as a member) or the Sarasota Chamber of Commerce, board of directors or their leadership. I am an active young professional, I sit on…

The ART of Business: Creating Content That Stands Out.
Sometimes making art is just more important that everything else. You might have heard the term content marketing being tossed around recently. It seems to be the most recent marketing buzzword and is well on its way to "overused" status. Content…

Building an Empire = Working on Christmas
When your goal is total world domination not even Christmas can get in the way. Ever since I started on this road to building my empire I have contemplated writing about the trials and tribulations of starting a company from the ground…

Sarasota vs. Bradenton: An Outsiders Perspective
An outsiders perspective on this cross town rivalry and whether or not I think it matters. When I first moved to Florida (March, 2004) I thought I was moving to Sarasota. Turns out I was really moving to Bradenton and almost immediately I…

The Path To Happiness
Happiness will elude you until you realize that the only way to truly find it is to quit looking for it. Everyone feels it, at least every once in a while. The feeling of solitude. That feeling that you are all alone in this world can…

I May Be Broke But I Won't Be Broken!
Some of my thoughts on the struggles of trying to make it as an entrepreneur. There is this weird feeling coming over me recently. I recognize it faintly but I cant place it. It is a mix of uneasy adventure filled with fear and instability.…

Lonely Greatness
Is the loneliness I feel desperation or preparation? In a world where people strive to have more Facebook friends or twitter followers than the next guy, I sit and wonder how many of them are truly happy. How many of them have relationships…

5 Reasons Sarasota Is not Ready To Be #1
The other day I read an article on the Sarasota Day blog. I stumbled upon it through the HUB facebook page which I decided to like, even though I am not yet sure what it is they do. The title of the article caught my attention which is…

Break Up [poem]
Why do we do the things that we do, the last thing I wanted was to ever hurt you...
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