Think Featured

You Disgust Me
A introspective post about people who walk around looking at the world through their own narrow ideological blinders.

Does America Deserve Donald Trump?
Is America about to get the president it deserves?

Why I'm Supporting A Gay Rights/Equality Event
I may not agree with the entire LGBTQ movement, but I wholeheartedly support my gay friends.

Does Money Matter? Introducing The Concept of Open Source Sales
In this podcast, I talk with John Lyon who is a researcher for one of the top financial research firms in the country. His research and advice helps direct the people who manage billions upon billions of investment dollars and I wanted to ask…

What's Wrong With Our Government In Under 100 Words
Our government is like a fat, rich, spoiled child, who has never been told no. Propped up on an oversized throne; Under armed guard, in a gun free zone. Feasting on a buffet of corporate interest, drunk on free money and fucking…

What Did Florida's CFO Jeff Atwater Have To Say To a Group Of Young Republicans In Sarasota?
A few of Sarasota's most active Young Republicans got together over dinner for an impromptu question and answer session with Florida's Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Jeff Atwater. Oh, and I asked him what he thought about the potential increase…

No Longer Free
A short poem about the American mindset and the peril we face as we cling to what is left of our individual freedoms. #AskHardQuestions Go to school, get a job
Buy a car, then get married
Pile up debt, Wear the facade
Don’t look…

Global Reset - The Road to World War III
I stumbled onto the CommonGround website and spent some time reading and listening to what they had to say. They are a non partisan group promoting a peaceful but aware revolution. One that starts with ideas but is backed by the understanding…

Understanding Power: Why Being Stupid Is In Style
A harsh look at the ignorance that affects our society as a whole, and an explanation for why the powerful have no problem keeping you in the dark. “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum…

Alexis de Tocqueville on Soft Tyranny
I am reading the book "Liberty Amendments" by Mark Levin and this is a quote that he references in the beginning of the book. I have read some de Tocqueville in the past, but this quote resonated with me. Alexis de Tocqueville's was a French…

Has Your Entire Life Been A Lie?
"We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us, but we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter."
Denis Diderot
Highlight any text in this article to share it with friends. Why do we walk around pretending like the whole world…

5 Things You Shouldn't Forget About This 4th Of July
A quick exploration of 5 things we would be well served to remember a little more regularly.
Today is the anniversary of our independence as a nation. A day where we will all gather to grill out, watch fireworks and maybe drink a few…

Corruption, Cover-Up, Controversy; The IRS Scandal For Dummies
I have not done a political podcast for a while. mostly because my views have been changing quite a bit over the last 4 months. Listen to the full recording to hear me describe the evolution of my political perspective in a little more detail. Why…

We The People... Are The Problem
Grace Durbin takes us on an exploration of human behaviors and why more often than not, we (humans) are at the center of what ails us as a society. We have problem America . . . And It's Us.
It’s convenient to focus our vexation at our…

A Sneak Peek At Sarasota Underground - Frank Maggio
In this episode of RayDO uncensored...
Raymmar talks to Mr Sarasota himself. Frank Maggio talks about being a young professional in Sarasota County and other nationally noteworthy topics. Stay tuned to the very end to get a sneak peek at…
Personal Thoughts

Write Again
Publishing those thoughts is like emptying the recycling bin so that I can free up space in my mental hard drive. Something which has not happened recently, which might explain my desire to simply write again.

Featured Videos

Raymmar & Chill - Lots of New Videos!
Explore my videos and get an inside look at our software startups, advice for how to build your own digital business, and random rants about life.

Am I Analog Dating in A Digital World?
How to date when you cant relate. An open exploration of our current dating paradigm.

The Game We All Pretend Not To Play
Are you pretending to be perfect? So often we pretend to be something other than what we are. But soon that game will end.

A Brief History of Me!
Raymmar Tirado: Who I am, where I came from and why you need to know.

Am I Responsible for the Drowning Death of A 13 Year Old Boy?
When I was 19, a boy drowned at the pool where I worked. I was the first responder. This is the story as I remember it.

I Saw Myself In Another Man And Hated What I Saw
An introspective piece on how stubborn we can be at times, and the moment you...

Invisible. Clearly.
A short poem about self doubt and the process of being consumed by the unhealthy thoughts that often creep into our heads. Day 4 #30DOT

Today I'm Calling Out All of My Friends
This is the third post in my 30 day creative writing challenge. Click here to learn about the challenge or explore the other posts in this series. Hello friends!
No, not you internet friends. This is not about you. I'm not trying…

Today I Am Doing Something Different
Today I talk about doing something different than the day before and reveal a little more on what this challenge is all about.

30 Days of Thought - A Creative Writing Challenge
I challenge you to join me in organizing your thoughts and connecting with the real you. #30DOT

I Had Dinner With A Murderer, And Didn't Even Know It
This is a true story based on actual events in my home town.

The Part of Me That I Won't Let You See
A short audio poem that will surely move your soul.

How I Drove Millions of Page Views & Got 10K+ Subscribers In One Year With $0 Ad Spend
The story of and why I'm uniquely qualified to help you drive your online presence.

Robin Williams Dead: Why I Don't Care And Neither Should You
Beloved actor Robin Williams was found dead on Monday, police reported. He was 63. The apparent cause of death was suicide by asphyxiation Read more
So now you know, but should you care?
I did not know Robin Williams and I would venture to…
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